
The eighth month is the peak of the season in Sardinia, and the main social events are mainly concentrated around August 15th, when the most important Italian holiday Ferragosto is celebrated all over the country. According to the Christian calendar it is the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and considered throughout Italy to be the peak of summer. Besides fireworks, markets, music and dance performances, big names from the international music scene usually appear.
The day before the main holiday, an interesting attraction is the Candelieri wooden candlestick procession in the centre of Sassari. In August, wine lovers should not miss one of the stages of Calici di Stelle – a festival during which you can taste the wines of local producers. Jazz lovers will appreciate both the Time in Jazz festival in Berchida in the north or the Nora jazz festival in the south, in Pula.
August is the warmest month of the year and is therefore directly destined for water fun. Those who want to spend their vacation actively can explore the island by rented car or motorbike, on a boat, in an all-terrain vehicle, from a helicopter or on board the green touristic train.