Cavalcata Sarda

A unique and unforgettable event. The climax of the celebrations begins on Sunday, May 21, with a morning procession along a two-kilometer route through the streets of the historic center of Sassari, culminating in Piazza d’Italia. On foot and on “traccas,” carts pulled by oxen adorned with flowers, about sixty folk groups and nearly thirty on horseback from all over Sardinia participate. Everyone wears traditional attire characteristic of their place of origin, often enriched with finely embroidered details and gold and silver filigree jewelry. The afternoon is dedicated to “parigli,” equestrian games, where the bravest knights showcase magnificent acrobatics on racehorses at the city’s racecourse. In the evening, Piazza d’Italia hosts a showcase of Sardinian songs and dances: traditional music and performances featuring launeddas tunes, tenor songs, accordions, and more until late at night.